
Vegan Multivitamin Blog


Map of Vegetarian & Vegan-friendly US States

We've mapped the most vegetarian and vegan-friendly states in the US. The map follows a familiar divide!


Map of Vegetarian & Vegan-friendly European Countries

We've mapped the most vegetarian and vegan-friendly countries in Europe. There are some surprising entries in the top 5!


The Sunshine Vitamin: Vegan Diet and Vitamin D

Worldwide there are approximately 1 billion individuals deficient in vitamin D, also referred to as the sunshine vitamin.. Why do so many people lack this vitamin?


B12 vs. B Complex: Which One is a Better Choice for Vegans?

As a vegan, it can be pretty standard for people to be concerned that you are not meeting your nutrient needs. Vitamin B is a common one that tends to get brought up in conversation, and the kicker is that you don’t have to worry about just one. There are eight different variations that all have a different purpose.


I’m Vegan and Pregnant, Should I Take A Prenatal?

You're growing another human, which means extra nutrients are necessary. Your diet may be filled with plenty of plant-based foods, but that doesn't mean that you're meeting your baby's needs.


Algae Supplement: How Vegans Can Get DHA and Omega-3 Into Their Diet

The majority of research is done on fish and fish oil, which gives the impression that fish is a necessary part of our diet to get omega-3's. The truth is, it's fish's own vegan diets that provide them the omega-3's.


Here’s How to Get Vitamin K2 on a Vegan Diet

When we think of all the vitamins we need, vitamin K usually isn't the first one that pops in our head. It serves an essential purpose, though. We explain how vegans get more vitamin K2 into their diet along with the history and health benefits.


Your Guide to Fat-soluble Vitamins on a Vegan Diet

Here’s everything you need to know about getting fat-soluble vitamins on a vegan diet.


No Dairy Here! A List of Calcium-Rich Vegan Foods

Most of the U.S. is getting their calcium needs from dairy items, including milk, yogurt, and cheese. Never fear, I’ve compiled a long list of plant-based foods that will make it a piece of cake to meet your calcium needs. And no, unfortunately, a cake is not one of them.


The Mineral You Don’t Want to Miss: Importance of Zinc and It’s Vegan Sources

Regularly consuming zinc daily is essential as your body only needs small amounts to function properly and then disposes of the rest. Read on to know how to incorporate zinc into your vegan diet.


One and Done: The Best Multivitamin Guide for Vegans

Over one-third of Americans take a multivitamin (vegan or not). They have also been around for a while. We're talking about the early 1940s. So how can a multivitamin fit into your vegan lifestyle?


Fish Food! Your Vegan Source of B12 is in Algae

You usually can’t get away with being a vegan without someone expressing concern regarding how much vitamin B12 you get. It’s a valid topic to discuss since vitamin B12 is almost exclusively animal-based and only found in tiny traces in plant-based foods.